Remember that you will need to enter the path that corresponds with your “bin” folder. This command will tell command prompt to look in the “bin” folder where the EXE and CSV files are located. Next, you will need to install the proxy service from DNSCrypt. You will can change the “opendns” section with a name from the CSV file, or you can update your CSV file by adding any of the public DNS resolvers that currently support DNSCrypt.

You will also need to change the file path to correspond with the location of the csv file on your computer. dnscrypt-proxy.exe -resolver-name=opendns -resolvers-list="C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\DNSCrypt\bin\dnscrypt-resolvers.csv" -test=0 If your CMD window looks like the image above, you are on the right path and the proxy service has been successfully tested. If this doesn’t work, simply change the DNS resolver till you get one that works. Once it is successful, you can continue to install the proxy service by pressing the “Up” button and changing the “–test=0” to “–install” as shown below. The registry key used for this service is SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\dnscrypt-proxy\Parameters Once it is successfully installed, you will see the following: The dnscrypt-proxy service has been installed and started #SETUP OPENDNS DNSCRYPT INSTALL#